Wednesday, February 23, 2011

jom hentak pale jap....?

nape nk hentak pale???
=ntah la....pening la..
mkn la ubat...
= tah la tgok la nnti
xg klinik?
=tah la...xde mmo0d la...
pamasi ke?
= tah la...kat mne tah...
nape byk tah???
=tah la xtau nk jwb

Thursday, January 20, 2011


dear  nayney...
since nayney xde cyg kne flu....
nguweik......skit idong la.....
cyg indu nayney....nayney???
blik la cpt....

setelah bpe ari....~~~~

`cyg jmpot ney ari kmis...
tiket kul 12.30...
ney smpai dlm kul 3...`
cyg da grak tp ney xsmpai g...
pnt tgu...mne la ney ni....
sejam xsmpai2 g...
bdn da bsah..peluh mencurah2...
tp dia dtg omeil..
akai kalegen ane merah,
bju belang...suar jeans lusuh..
selendang hitam...xtau la pe nme nye selendang tu

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

pade suatu ptg..

pade suatu petang ngah sok2 wat kje my syg msg...
"cyg lapar" that time majok sbnarnye....
mmg xpuas ati ngan dak umah sial je..
nk mx tlg bg la alasan munasabah skit...
ni x le dia g mid...babi nye bdak....kalo da
org timur mmg cam babi.....mean girls...
bullshit....sial.....yg syg aku pun 1 cpat nor caye kat owg..
then aku pun dtg kat tmpat kije dia...dia xde wet nk mkn...
so nk xnk aku kne dtg gak...kije aku pun xsiap g...pening la...
ssh nk hbis blja...igt senang..  mkin pk mkin beruban rmbot aku...
g bli mknan then mkn ngan dia..aku pun xmkn g...
sbb dok siap kan kije hantaran akk aku..sok customer nk....pening aku..
nsib bek aku xde bisnes g...lagi la runsing pale aku...
mikir tok mkn pe mlm2 cmni.... ya ampun aku xwat lagi report...
ble la aku nk wat....xtdo la nmpaknye lagi...hmm sbar la lg 3bulan 1/2..
sbb syg aku korban kan sume...hmm syygnye aku kat dia...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

project nye citer...

ngan berbesar ati aku xwat pape lagi tjuk yg berkaitan ngan project...
aku mmg xtau nk wat....
ya ampun....bantu la aku ni.....
aku try wat pe yg mampu je...mmg xtapun aku xtau....
pe tu plc pun aku xtau.....yg aku tau dia programmable logic controller
tu je la...yg len totally

Saturday, November 27, 2010

menunggu idea xkunjung tiba....

idea mne la ko........
nape la ko xdtg2.......aku pening nk pk....
makin pk makin sakit pale aku.... la tok aku.....
adeh nape la aku xcube nk pk.....
tp aku da pk.....adoiiiii....
pe ni....cmne ni......
makin aku cube makin aku sakit....
tp idea tetap xdtg.....ala.......
traffic light...???????
pe nk wat ngan traffic light tu?????
pe lak nk wat ngan PLC?????
aku mmg xphm...mmg xtau....
xpnah lak di ajar....adehhhh!!!
idea beri la aku semangat....
aku nk hbis sem da ni.....
beri la aku idea yg bernas ngan tjuk kat atas tu......
tjuk atas????pe tu??aku pun xtau...
da la malas nk pk da...aku da malas....lntak la.....
minggu dpan kne la....adehhh....alaaaa

sori syg

maafkan cyg......
cyg berlaku sume slh cyg.........
cyg mx maaf sgt2...cyg syg kan ney....
syg sgt2....jgn tgalkan cyg....
cyg xsgup....cyg nk ney sowg je....
yg len sekadar hiburan....xde pape kaitan pun...
ati cyg hnye tok ney....xde owg len....
ney sowg je.....jgn rso cyg xkan crik len...
mmg cyg gtai tp pe cyg wat kdg2 dpan mate ney...
so ney cyg xwat pape pun.....
bile pk blik nape la cyg wat cmtu ngan ney....
sdgkan ney da byk sbr ngan cyg...
thx ney....cyg mx maaf....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

for my beloved u

(ooh) for the way you changed my plans
for being the perfect distraction
for the way you took the idea that i have
of everything that i wanted to have
and made me see there was something missing (oh yeah)
for the ending of my first begin
(ooh yeah yeah)(ooh yeah yeah)
and for the rare and unexpected friend
(ooh yeah yeah)(ooh yeah yeah)
for the way you're something that i never choose
but at the same time something i don't wanna lose
and never wanna be without ever again (oh oh)

you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed
so now it's so clear i need you here always

my accidental happily (ever after) (oh oh oh)
the way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)
i must admit you were not a part of my book
but now if you open it up and take a look
you're the beginning and the end of every chapter (oh oh)

you're the best thing i never knew i needed (oh)
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (that i needed)
so now it's so clear i need you here always
who knew that I could be here (who knew that i could be here oh oh)
so unexpectedly (so unexpectedly oh oh)
undeniablely happy (hey)
said with you right here, right here next to me (oh)

girl you're the..
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (said i needed oh oh)
so when you were here i had no idea
you're the best thing i never knew i needed (needed oh)
so now it's so clear i need you here always
baby baby
now it's so clear i need you here always